One, Two, Three, Four, I declare a chilli war!

There is only one way to celebrate the superbowl: EXCESSIVELY. This year my friends Lesley and Naveen hosted a party with the theme "America, F*ck ya!" to truly get everyone in the spirit of overconsuming. The feature event (besides the football game in HD, of course) was the chilli cook-off. There were six entries that ranged from vegetarian to all meat, bland to spicy. I managed to sample a healthy portion of each one... Leading me to believe that you can actually get stoned off of too much meat. After we were sufficiently gorged, a fuzzy, glazed look settled over everyone. Or maybe that was just my meat high talking?
Dude, that was some bitchin' Korean BBQ!
Carrice and I knit excessively while Toby watched the Superbowl.
Of course, we were all very very stoned :)
Carrice & Toby's house is really cute! Coincidently, Nova Scotia is also very "cute" hehe.
how am i supposed to keep up with my comments if there aren't any new posts...???
teehee xo
Jessica - I am taking away your blogging privileges immediately until you can find something witty to say :)
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