Well it happened again. Another relationship comes to an end leaves each party feeling a little empty, even if I believe I'm in a better place now. We were together for only 9 months and in that time we shared some great moments; laughter and tears and everything in between. He never failed to be there when I needed him and he was great at remembering to deliver my messages. But in the end he just didn't have everything I needed from him. Well, that and he had no bundle option.

I think this card exhibits a very mature attitude, although it does creep me out a bit. Perhaps all break-ups should be covered by the "no contact for 3 months rule".
This entry made me giggle...but it is kind of scary that they can't wait until they can contact you again. Ummm, Bellstalker!
I had this great comment then blogger lost it. Im too distraught to rewrite those words lost to technology... oh woe is me...
How surprising of Bell. I certainly didn't get a nice letter like that when I left the Mothership (and i was an employee!) Maybe BellGlobeMedia is like the dirty uncle that no one talks to at the family reunion. (and now it turns out BGM isn't even part of the Bell family; sold off to the highest bidder)
I don't get that card. By sending it to you they (a) were making contact with you, and even though they say they cannot contact you to try to win you back, (b) the whole purpose of the card is to make you feel a sense of corporate loyalty and indirectly, try to win you back as a client. You should submit it as evidence against them in your restraining order.
oh wow. i didnt realize that bell was so emotionally needy.
i think i need a tissue.
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